Saturday, July 14, 2012

Undertaker's Rumored WM 29 Opponents

          So according to the three names that are being discussed for Undertaker's opponent at Wrestlemania 29 are The Rock, John Cena, and Brock Lesnar. The choice, appropriately enough, has been left up to Taker himself.
          Supposedly, whoever Taker doesn't choose would face off with one another at WM 29, meaning that if Taker were to choose Lesnar, for example, we would  have a rematch of Rock-Cena from this year's Wrestlemania. Let's take a moment to go through the possible choices:

John Cena: Right now, Cena's been ruminating about winning Money In The Bank and getting back into the WWE Championship picture, something I don't exactly see being a short-term thing. The WWE's been making plans about renewing his classic feud with Punk from last year's SummerSlam for this year's August PPV and possibly beyond that. Cena's been fluctuating as of late in his recent feuds with Laurinaitis and The Big Show, so I'm unsure as to how solid their MITB plans with him are.
                    As far as nine months from now at WM 29, it's been tossed back and forth between Cena facing Taker or having a rematch with "The People's Champion." Cena really has nothing to gain at this point in his career by beating The Phenom, so he's not a likely choice. While a (hopefully) long-awaited rematch between Brock and Rock would be a sight to see, WWE will likely take the easier-to-remember path and give fans a Cena-Rocky rematch.

The Rock: An very intriguing choice, but one that makes even less sense than Cena.  Rock and Taker have had absolutely no on-screen interaction since "The Great One's" return, and The Rock, like Cena, gains nothing from ending the Streak. Not to mention a Brock-Cena rematch I don't think people will be nearly as excited for as the first one, since Brock didn't win the match like he should've. If he had, I might consider The Rock a viable opponent for Taker, but given the circumstances we do have, I wouldn't get my hopes up.

Brock Lesnar: This is my personal pick right here. You still have a few fans here and there talking about Taker and Lesnar's confrontation at an UFC event that perhaps should've culminated at this year's WrestleMania, but I digress.
           Brock's been trying to mow his way through the veterans and stalwarts of WWE in Triple H and John Cena, and there's no one who's more of a cornerstone and an icon to the WWE than The Undertaker. Despite Taker's wear and tear, and Brock's in-ring "reputation", these two have faced off with one another in the past, have history, and both know a variety of strikes and mixed-martial arts holds that could make for a very interesting, physically entertaining brawl. I could definitely see Brock interrupting Taker's return before WM 29, confronting or beating him down and force him to pick Brock as his next opponent.
           Plus, it provides us with the Rock-Cena rematch (possibly for the WWE Championship) that a lot of fans have been clamoring for.

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