Sunday, January 27, 2013

WWE Royal Rumble 2013 Predictions & Analysis

                Antonio Cesaro (c) vs The Miz - US Title - YouTube Pre-Show Match

Miz has really tried his damndest with this face turn of his, but nothing to seems to be clicking; he's been soporific on the mic at best, Ric Flair's "passing" of the Figure Four to him as a finisher hasn't really brought out any new side to him, and in recent weeks he's really looked like more of an overly-hyped American fanboy just so he can be a halfway serviceable foil to Cesaro. Not really a hard one to figure out here.

Winner: Antonio Cesaro

       Team Hell No (c) vs Rhodes Scholars -Tag Team Championship

Logic dictates that with Rhodes Scholars' seeming lack of success in both single and 6-man tag competition, Rhodes and Sandow pull out the win here. Not to mention that with the "Anger Management" storyline seemingly having run its course, short of Dr. Shelby actually becoming Team Hell No's manager, I don't see any real reason for the pair to continue as tag team champions, seeing as they can be just as entertaining when the focus isn't on the belts. Sandow and Rhodes surprise Bryan and Kane here, then go on to feud with the Usos, who have quietly been on the rise in the tag team ranks as of late.

Winner and NEW Tag Team Champions: Rhodes Scholars (YOU'RE WELCOME!)

Alberto Del Rio (c) vs The Big Show - World Heavyweight Title - Last Man Standing Match

With all the hubbub behind the reason for Alberto's title victory (UFC, New Latino hero, etc.), it'd be rather short-sighted anyway you look at it to just put it right back on Show, unless they plan to have the rumored Ryback vs. Big Show match at Wrestlemania with Ryback winning the Rumble and challenging for the World Heavyweight Title, but I digress. With Alberto as the de facto Latino hero in WWE and Mysterio and Sin Cara still indisposed, management would likely be adamant in keeping the World Title strap on Del Rio, or at least keep him in the main event scene, in order to keep Latino audience viewership high.

However, the one sticking point in all of this is the oddball logic of having the rematch with the same stipulation. Big Show winning it back would make Alberto's win seem like little more than a nonsensical fluke, so it would seem that Alberto ekes out out another shocking win to incite the giant further...only to get KO'd by a peeved Show, then...SHOW...OFF! Dolph cashes in, and we get the rumored feud between Ziggler and Del Rio rolling for Wrestlemania.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio...then KO cash-in later...NEW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION DOLPH ZIGGLER!

                                           CM Punk (c) vs The Rock - WWE Title

The build-up to this one's been everything we've expected and more: Punk cutting straight to the core issues with the Rock, circumnavigating all the kiddy insults and the "Cookie-Puss" jabs and staking his claim to be an wrestling equivalent to God. He's been gold on the mic Rock's been Rock, except dialing down the childish antics a tad to be ultra-serious about his aspirations to win the WWE Title and "free" the fans from Punk's tyranny as champion. While I initially was going with the Rock on this one, the banning of the Shield from ringside can't help but make me think that another well known "Paul Heyman guy" just might make their presence known...

Winner: CM Punk


The Royal Rumble Match

I can say this with all seriousness and confidence: John Cena is NOT going to win after that dung heap of a promo on Monday. I won't be surprised if he makes it to the Final Four, but he's not winning it. In fact, as crazy as it sounds, Ziggler's been getting more build for this match than you'd think. Countering Cena's entry into the Rumble with his own, taking Cena to limit in recent weeks, and the way he masterminded his way to victory in the Beat the Clock series made me wonder where this is all leading to...then Vickie tells him the winner only gets to pick the #1 or #2 entry. Most would say, "Hey, at least Dolph will likely be the Iron Man for this match." Nuh-uh, I'm throwing all my chips in on this. Dolph, already riding on high from the World Title win I predicted earlier, picks #1, goes the distance ala HBK, and tops it off by eliminating Cena, then we have an awesome Unification match between him and the WWE Champion (John Cena wins it at Elimination Chamber). Before that, though, expect Ryback to tear through a good chunk of the competitors, likely getting surprised by someone like Brad Maddox or the Shield in getting tossed out.

Most Eliminations: Ryback

Ironman: Dolph Ziggler

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

Overall Thoughts

A battle of the two most verbose superstars of their respective eras, a Last Man Standing match, Team Hell No, and a potential for a cash-in and historic Rumble win for a certain Show-Off? "HILL" YEAH!

Buy/No Buy: BUY

Sunday, September 16, 2012

WWE Night Of Champions 2012 Predictions

Dolph Ziggler v. Randy Orton

It's something of a classic (or cliche) set up with both men having a pinfall victory over the other, the proverbial "rubber match" coming this Sunday. That being said, Orton's spinning his wheels and doesn't need a win here while Ziggler's still struggling to make his name a main event threat. I'm throwing WWE's usual logic to the side for this one, Ziggler NEEDS this.

On another note, it turns out that this match comes after Sheamus v. Del Rio, so this may be a World Title match as well if Ziggler cashes in and wins. Same logic applies though: Orton's preparing for another film and spinning his wheels on WWE TV. Hot-shotting the belt from Ziggler to "The Viper" would be a mistake.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

Divas Championship
Layla (c) v. Kaitlyn

Since the botched ending to the battle royal, they've tried to show Kaitlyn suddenly emerging as a semi-powerful threat with tag victories over more experienced divas and an "upset" singles win over Beth Phoenix. Problem is, no one honestly seems to care about the Divas Title and a win over Phoenix doesn't mean much since she hasn't been a viable, visible threat in months. 

The one remotely interesting part about this (and that's not saying much) is Eve, who's been glad-handing all she can to seemingly get in on the match, so we could see it being made a triple threat at the last minute. If that's the case, either Kaitlyn or Eve would be a welcome change, as Layla's reign has been like her return: Uneventful.

Winner and NEW Divas Champion: Eve Torres

United States Championship
Antonio Cesaro (c) v. Winner of Battle Royal

 My original pick on 411Mania for the winner of the battle royal, Christian, was shown on Smackdown in an arm sling because of nerve damage from the Brogue Kick, so he's out.

That being said, if WWE's really getting behind Antonio, he needs to look dominant against a semi-serious opponent (Anyone BUT Santino) to look good in his first PPV title defense. Who better than a former United States Champion? You know it!

Cesaro's Opponent: Zack Ryder
Winner: Antonio Cesaro

Intercontinental Championship
Fatal Four-Way Match
The Miz (c) v. Rey Mysterio v. Cody Rhodes v. Sin Cara

 A multifaceted match (Ironic with Sin Cara in it) that has a number of interesting twists. Miz is looking to further establish his comeback and rise back into upper mid-card status. Cody is looking to regain the gold he "brought honor and prestige back to" in 2011.

What's really key here will be the interaction between Sin Cara and Mysterio. It's the first time they face off as foes and with their rumored match for Wrestlemania, it'll be interesting to see if WWE sets the wheels in motion for that match here.

In the meantime, neither of them really seem to be as serious in gunning for the belt as Rhodes is, and a heel-heel feud for the IC belt could be an interesting dichotomy with Cody and Miz's personalities.

Winner and NEW Intercontinental Champion: Cody Rhodes

WWE Tag Team Championship
Kofi Kingston & R-Truth (c) v. Team Friendship 

 A face team that has been stagnant as champions for the last few months versus probably the best sociopath, comedic team I've seen in recent memory. It may mean they get bumped down to the mid-cards, but Daniel and Kane have been the best, funniest thing in WWE for the last few weeks and not giving them the belts here would be a mistake. Do it for Dr. Shelby, do it for Anger Management, but most of all, do it for FRIENDSHIP, YES, YES, YES!

Winners and NEW WWE Tag Team Champions: Daniel Bryan and Kane (TEAM FRIENDSHIP!)

World Heavyweight Championship
Sheamus (c) v. Alberto Del Rio

The supposed wrinkle in this match is the banning of the Brogue Kick, but Sheamus has pretty much negated that by bringing out the Texas Cloverleaf (Four-leaf?) and has still been dominant, which isn't a problem, and under normal circumstances, I'd give Sheamus the win to finally put Del Rio away and bring this feud to a decisive end

However, WWE Management has become higher and higher on Ziggler to the point they're seriously considering having him cash in tonight. The only consequence Sheamus faces for using the Brogue Kick is being stripped of the title. What would stop him from nailing Del Rio with it if Alberto won?

Winner and NEW World Heavyweight Champion: Alberto Del Rio...One Brogue Kick and Cash-In later...DOLPH ZIGGLER.

WWE Championship
CM Punk (c) v. John Cena

WWE's seemingly tried everything to make this a sort of role reversal of last year's MITB from Chicago, the biggest reversal being that NOC is in Cena's backyard of Boston. My problem with this is that the crowd in Boston is just as split over Cena and Punk and snarky as the Chicago crowd, I can attest to that as a proud Massachusetts native. I'm definitely not 100% that ALL of Boston will want to see Cena cinch a hometown win.

That being said, these two haven't really lost a step on the mic going up towards this match, especially this Monday where Cena TORE into Punk and his crusade for his "respect." I have no doubt it will be another great match, but I'm not completely sold that Cena takes it here. If it goes on last, I see Punk retaining through some nefarious means to keep the feud going, possibly culminating at Survivor Series in some kind of stipulation match.

Winner: CM Punk




Friday, September 7, 2012

TNA No Surrender 2012: Predictions and Analysis 

With the "Bound For Glory Series" winding down to its final four participants, Bully Ray, James Storm, Jeff Hardy, and Samoa Joe, one of these men will have to endure double duty on Sunday night; they will have to go through two tough opponents in order to become the Number One contender to Aries' World Title.

For Joe, it's about getting back to his glory days as TNA's top man and top destroyer, regaining the gold he once held years ago.

For Bully Ray, it's about cementing his status as the "Baddest Mofo" in TNA and legitimizing his livelihood as a singles competitor.

For Jeff Hardy, it's about redemption, the opportunity to prove that if he can become champion this time around, he will do TNA and wrestling itself proud as a more mature and capable person.

For Storm, it's about finding that spark again, the spark that made him TNA Heavyweight Champion in the first place, the spark that drove him against Bobby Roode when the title was taken from him, and the spark that drove him to come back and tear up the "Bound For Glory" Series.

X Division Championship:
Zema Ion (C) v. Sonjay Dutt

This one is a good example of a great-sounding match, but little to no build-up behind it. It was only announced recently on Impact Wrestling, but given Aces and Eights and the Bound For Glory Series have been the center points for the last few weeks, I can somewhat understand how this could fall by the wayside.

Anyway, Zema had a solid defense against Kenny King at the last PPV. Now, while King is a outstanding athlete and competitor inside the ring, he hasn't been in the X Division for long. Now, the returning Sonjay Dutt has major X-Division experience and is someone who can really legitimize Zema as its champion if Ion can pull off a victory here, and I believe he will.

Winner: Zema Ion
 RVD v. Magnus

Another match made with last-minute build-up when Magnus lambasted RVD, recently out of the Final Four after a loss to Bully Ray, over the notion that Van Dam can't make the jump on those competitive "hurdles" like he used to, inciting a violent reaction from the normally cool and collected Master of the Five-Star Frog Splash.

I can see this match is more or less a stepping stone for Magnus in terms of his slow-burning feud with Samoa Joe, but it's a  good one for him regardless. He's starting to establish himself in the singles division as a cocky, smarmy young competitor trying to undermine his more veteran opponents, saying they can't quite reach the big time like they used to. It's a touch cliche, but it's garnered the attentions of Joe and RVD. Magnus really would have to take the win here, otherwise his words would just be that, words.

Winner: Magnus

TNA Knockout Championship:
Miss Tessmacher (C) v. Tara

A teacher-student feud that hasn't exactly shown a whole lot of promise on Impact Wrestling in recent weeks, given how sloppy their non-title match was a couple of weeks back. For all intended purposes, it's shaping up to be a friendly rivalry, but more friendship that rivalry. No animosity, no hints of heel turns or one-upsmanship...people are either not going to know who to cheer for or just not care.
Tessmacher recently won the championship back from Madison Rayne and I frankly don't see her losing it this quickly to Tara. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised to see Rayne and/or Gail Kim interfere to cause a DQ and open up the possibility for a Triple Threat or Fatal Four Way for the Knockout Title at Bound For Glory.

Winner: Tara by DQ

Non-Title Fight:
Austin Aries (C) v. "The Big Guy" (Aces & Eights)

TNA has done a good job of putting Aries at the center of the company's feud with "Aces & Eights" because, of course, he's the champion, the top man in the company, and the right choice to lead it against invading forces like this.

Now. it's somewhat unclear as to whether this will be a regular match or one with Street Fight stipulations, but either way, Aries has shown recently that he can have just as nasty and violent a streak as any member of the Aces & Eights can. You can certainly expect some outside shenanigans in this match, but I expect Aries to eke out a close win here to maintain his momentum towards his eventual title match at Bound For Glory. Given the buildup, I also wouldn't be surprised if we get a good idea of who's behind the faction of Aces & Eights either Sunday or the following Thursday on Impact.

Winner: Austin Aries

TNA Tag Team Championship:
Daniels & Kazarian (C) v. AJ Styles & Kurt Angle

Hearing about this match honestly took me by surprise. Considering AJ's online comments before the show last night, I would've been expecting a stipulation match of sorts between him and Kazarian this Sunday, then have the tag title match at Bound For Glory. Don't get me wrong, this was an awesome match two months ago, but I just figured they would save a big money rematch for their big money PPV. Ah well, it'll be fun anyway.

The way I could see this one going is more less a month of revenge for Styles. He and Kurt could win the tag titles here, AJ comes out the following Impact and says winning the titles isn't enough: He wants to end this with Daniels, once and for all, possibly in a Ultimate X or Steel Cage match with their individual careers on the line. 

Over the next month, Daniels tries and avoid AJ at every turn, even ducking out of his tag title rematch, leaving Kazarian to the proverbial wolves. Either Kazarian tries to halt AJ himself and gets destroyed, or turns for real and leaves the selfish Daniels to AJ's mercies, culminating in what I'm sure will be another four or even five-star match to cap off their historic rivalry.

If all of that is to happen, AJ and Angle will have to win here in what I expect to be the show-stealer of the night, and I'm certainly hoping that is the case.

Winners and NEW TNA Tag Team Champions: AJ & Angle

Bound For Glory Series Semifinal:
Samoa Joe v. Jeff Hardy

We saw this week on Impact that Hardy, even at this advanced point in his career, can still surprise his opponents, getting what many call an upset submission victory over the Samoan Submission Machine. It makes all the more the sense to have this rematch, as Joe will know what to expect this time, or will Hardy surprise him again with another unexpected tactic?

Joe has more or less dominated near the top of the leaderboard while Hardy's had to surge in recent weeks to climb his way into the Final Four. Now while Joe's also been having issues with Magnus in recent weeks, I don't believe the cocky Brit will make himself known until later and I'll explain why in my prediction for the Finals. 

Winner: Samoa Joe

Bound For Glory Series Semifinal:
"The Cowboy" James Storm v. Bully Ray

Now this match is one that has numerous possibilities and questions surrounding it, one being Ray's status with the company. If he remains with TNA, I would not be surprised to see him get pushed to facing Aries at Bound For Glory, as the two have shown to have remarkable chemistry in the ring and on the mic. 

Storm's been making big waves since his return a couple of months back, breaking Crimson's undefeated streak and surging to the top of the Bound For Glory leaderboard, never really losing that spot. A match with him and Aries could also be a show-stealer, but the big question on my mind in relation to Storm: Where's Roode? We haven't seen hide nor hair of Storm's former tag partner since his loss to Aries and loss of future title shots. I believe the question will be answered with Roode costing James his match with Bully, keeping "The Cowboy" away from "his" championship and reginiting the feud between the two former friends.

Winner: Bully Ray

Bound For Glory Series Final (Predicted):
Samoa Joe v. Bully Ray

Remember how I said Magnus would factor in against Joe later in the night? Well, I see Joe narrowing in on the victory here when Magnus comes out and distracts Joe, ultimately costing Joe the victory against Bully, so that Magnus can say Joe fell just short of his dream, just like Magnus did against Joe. 

In turn, this will set up a hot-blooded personal match between the two former partners for Bound For Glory, while Bully reaps the rewards and moves on to face Aries for the championship.

Winner and #1 Contender: Bully Ray

...and that's all I have to say about that!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Big Show Makes A Big Point...Is Punk's Prominence At An End?

I'll get straight to the point on this one: While Big Show has certainly renewed his destructive, dominant ways within the ring, his statements on the mic often leave something to be desired; often, he'll sound like the bitter old worker who knows he's nearing the end of his rope and lashes out at the young, virile up-and-comer who's replacing him, in this circumstance John Cena, and that's actually a good role for Show at this point in his career: The long-suffering workhorse who's frankly tired of pulling the load, or from Show's view, the WWE fans.

The problem is that his statements are often illogical and even the older fans who rail against Cena find it hard to agree with him. Take his tirade of Cena shortly after "Over The Limit", saying the reason he joined Laurinaitis, the man who made the giant get on his knees and cried, was that all Cena did, after Show suffered for nothing but to get fired, was to make jokes and seemingly sweep it under the rug; that was only partly the case, as among the jokes at Laurinaitis's expense, Cena made it perfectly clear to "Johnny Ace" shortly after his firing of Show that he'd crossed a major line, but Show just seems to ignore that part.

However, this past Monday, Show was in the ring with a more solidly verbose opponent in CM Punk, who had no problem in pointing out the fallacies of Big Show's raging crusade, citing that regardless of all the mayhem and destruction he reeks in the ring, Show always ends up a hair short of his true goal. Punk notes that he's defended the WWE Title for over 200 days and has fended off challenger after challenger and garnered the respect of all WWE's fans, whereas all Big Show has, in Punk's words, is "an ironclad contract and the respect of no one."

Show, oddly enough, just laughs it off, saying he's never cared about the fans respecting him, and even feels like the fans don't respect themselves; he feels they are so fickle that when they're bored with a solid entertainer like Show or Punk, the fans stop caring about them and leave them in their wake. And here's the kicker  to that statement: Show essentially states if that you're in the WWE and not named John Cena, you're in for the long haul. Show warns Punk that the moment he loses the WWE Title, he'll become the butt of the joke like Big Show has, be shuffled off into the background and become just another "cog in the machine."

You could tell by the hesitation in Punk's voice that, for a moment, he wanted to agree with Show, because a lot of what Show said was what Punk argued about the year before; the "soul-crushing status quo", the business revolving around John Cena, stating he's the best in the business, something that ate away at Punk, made him snap, and made him cut loose on everything he hated about the WWE and its manipulations.

It's started to show again; in the last several months, Punk has put on some of the best wrestling matches and fights in his career, against Chris Jericho, Daniel Bryan, Kane, Mark Henry, the list goes on...and yet? He and the WWE Title take a passenger seat to John Cena and his personal vendettas with the Rock (justified, as Wrestlemania was in Miami, Rock's hometown), Brock Lesnar (Somewhat justified, as Extreme Rules was in Chicago, Punk's hometown, but Lesnar's WWE return was seemingly more prominent), Big Show (Not really justified), and John Laurinaitis (Not justifiable in the very least). Even the MITB PPV, Punk's shining moment of 2011, this year saw Punk's stellar match with Bryan pushed out of the final main event slot, with Cena's MITB win taking center stage.

Fans have even pointed out on social media sites like Twitter the ridiculous notion of Punk's WWE Championship matches not being in the main event, complaints Punk has tried to assuage  by telling them that he can "work first, work hurt, and can (out)work anybody."

Are those the words of a truly confident champion who feels solidly entrenched in the limelight of the WWE fans, or are they the words of a man who is 5 days away from possibly seeing the "soul-crushing status quo" reassert its dominance at his expense?

Monday, July 16, 2012

WWE Raw - 7/16/2012

We open the night with WWE Champion CM Punk coming out to the ring, coming off of a brutal No-DQ match with Daniel Bryan and holding on to his championship. Apparently, it doesn't get any easier, as he's advertised to face Big Show in a main event tonight, and the giant CANNOT be in a good mood after coming within a whisker of winning the Raw MITB.

Punk, even as a Straightedge, is excited to be in Las Vegas, as exactly one year ago, he dropped the initial "pipe bomb" that resonated throughout the WWE up to now and changed a lot within the company. He's proud that he's held the championship for 8 months, earned the respect of other wrestlers and the fans, and is looking forward to next week's 1000th episode celebration...that is, before the Big Show comes out.

Big Show rants about how he came within an inch of MITB and if he'd won, Punk wouldn't be thinking about next week as the champ, because Show would cash it in right now. Punk agrees, Show nearly won, but almost doesn't cut it, and sums up Show as someone who comes to the ring and destroys everything, but often comes up short. Show fires back and questions Punk on how he knows whether the fans truly respect him, as they turned on Show, what's to stop them from moving on from Punk to some new big-time star?

Show argues that it doesn't matter, telling Punk the WWE's always revolved around one man (likely a shot at Cena) and Punk's just another cog in the machine like Show. Punk simply states he is the WWE Champion and Show is nothing but a shell of a man that only gets by because he's a giant. Show simply notes that Cena has the case now, and if Show happens to knock out Punk in their match, not a lot could stop Cena from cashing in. He leaves Punk with this mocking "pipe bomb", as we go backstage to Kofi and R-Truth backstage, prepping for a title defense coming up next.

WWE Tag Team Championship
Kofi Kingston & R-Truth v. Prime Time Players

We have AW all over the mic calling PTP the greatest, yeah, the Colons would have something to say about that. Kofi starts off with Titus in a lock up, Titus powers him to the corner and delivers shots to the stomach and face of Kingston. Tag to Young, who kicks away at Kofi and bashes him on the turnbuckle, drawing the ref. Young yells at him to back off before a kick from Kofi, who tags Truth in, and dounle team Young. Truth dances and drops a leg. Tag to Kofi, who hits a quick cross body on Young and sends him to the outside. Titus tries to roll in, but gets dropkicked back out. Double baseball dropkick from the champs, then a crisp suicide dive from Kofi to the challengers on the outside before we go to break.

Back from the break, PTP has taken control during the break after D. Young knocked Kofi off the apron following a distraction by Titus. Young beats down on Kofi, who tries to make a tag to Truth, but gets dragged back to the PTP corner, where Titus is brought in to lay boots into him before locking in a bearhug. Kofi struggles, but manages to escape and makes the tag to Truth, who clears house, and AW is panicking, trying to distract Kofi, but only serves to distract Titus, who get the Trouble In Paradise, while Young, the legal man, gets the Little Jimmy from R-Truth for the 3 count.
Winners and STILL WWE Tag Team Champions: Kofi & R-Truth
Rating: ** (Young & Titus wern't bad, but Truth & Kofi pretty much led the match from the get-go and never really lost their step)

AJ tries to point out to Daniel Bryan that she called the match last night down the middle as best she could, and he tries to assure her he isn't upset about it...until Eve interrupts and tells them about a tag team rematch where she plans, with a mystery partner, to get revenge on AJ and Bryan. Hmm, who could it be...

Zack Ryder v. Alberto Del Rio

I'm not liking Ryder's chances here. High knees to the Long Island native, who's driven into the corner, but responds with a back elbow and a few right hands, before having his arm smashed by Del Rio. Ryder's sent to the outside and has his arm smashed into the ring steps, then the barrier. Ryder tries to kick Del Rio, but only angers him as he gets back into the ring, drives Ryder's arm into the ring post, and locks in the Cross Arm Breaker for the tap out.
Winner: Alberto Del Rio
Rating: *3/4 (Pretty much done to keep Del Rio strong-looking in the World Championship picture, as it appears Ryder's bit on Smackdown as GM was just a once-off with no outstanding effects)

Del Rio continues the arm breaker until...REY MYSTERIO hits the ring, to stomps from Del Rio, but Rey fires back with a hurricanrana into the ropes and a 619 for Del Rio, who retreats up the ramp as the returning Master of the 619 looks on.

Heath Slater's favorite Raw moment(s) are apparently getting his ass whopped by every returning Raw "legend." Sure, why not? Speaking of which, he faces another returning RAW legend. This outta be good...

IT'S RIKISHI! He looks a little paler since the last time I saw him, but still, the Master of the Stinkface is back!

Rikishi v. Heath Slater

Slap and a go-behind by a cocky Slater, who gets Savate kicked for his troubles. BACK DAT ASS UP, BOI! Stinkface, followed by a Rumpshaker from the second rope, and a 3 count.
Winner: Rikishi

Nice little moment with Rishish and his sons Jimmy and Jey Uso dancing along with him in the ring.

AJ & Daniel Bryan v. Eve & The Miz

AWWWESOMMMEEEE! I actually kind of like Miz's new do, it's a match for his movie-star attitude. Bryan and Miz lock up, headlock from Bryan, and Miz sends him into a corner, only to miss with a strike, and Bryan comes back with some of his own. Bryan gets pushed back and hit with a high knee from Miz, who responds with kicks of his own until Bryan retreats and AJ tags in, so Eve's in by default. Eve overpowers AJ, snapmares and kicks her for a 2 count. Eve with a rope choke on AJ, who rebounds with a few kicks and a shining wizard, but Miz distracts during the cover and gets a dropkick from AJ! A strange smile exchanged between Miz and AJ as he tries to come in the ring. Eve small packages AJ, only for Bryan to reverse it while the ref is busy with Miz, ref turns around and counts the three!
Winners: AJ & Daniel Bryan
Rating: **1/4 (Interesting storyline-wise, but a rushed match nonetheless)

After the match, Bryan talks intimately with AJ, admitting that the feud with Punk clouded his mind and last week he proposed for the sake of winning the WWE Title. Um, you were using her long before Punk, but far be it for me to question WWE's sense of continuity. Anyway, he tells her he loves her, which shocks AJ more than anything else as he actually seems earnest about it, and even King and Cole seem to be buying it. Bryan says he wants to do things for real, gets down on one
knee and proposes to AJ...who's frown turns upside down and says...YES! YES! YES! Seriously, they even do a couples' chant of YES! YES! YES! Wow.

Jack Swagger v. Ryback

Yeah, not the guy I'd try ending a losing streak against...and Swagger actually seems to realize this as he assaults Ryback through the ropes before the bell even rings, and nails him with a big gutwrench bomb! A couple of ankle locks, a Swagger Bomb, and a takedown get shrugged off by Ryback before he roars back with a clothesline, a "DAMN!" fine spinebuster, and THREE consecutive powerbombs! Swagger may have gotten dusted there, but he made things a little interesting and got some true swagger back in his step. Yes, it's a pun. Get used to it, I make a lot of them.
Winner: None (Match never started)

Vickie comes out to introduce the dapper-dressed World Title MITB Winner, Dolph Ziggler. In the ring, Ziggler recounts how the MITB is essentially a guaranteed title reign and that he doesn't plan on breaking that tradition by the end of the year. Before he can continue, JERICHO of all people comes out...interesting. Before he can even get a word out, Ziggler reminds him this is not about Jericho, but all about Ziggler himself, how he won his briefcase and Jericho didn't, or has ever won MITB for that matter. Jericho seems to agree so far with Ziggler. 

Dolph then asks, "When was the last time you won anything?"

Ooh, that struck a nerve, and Jericho looks pissed. Dolph's not done, verbally lacerating Jericho, questioning why he even bothered to come back to "save us" or show that he's the best in the world at what he does, because he's done neither up to this point. Dolph even wonders if perhaps Chris has lost his touch. He repeats this, consults Vickie about, then...CODEBREAKER by Jericho, who walks off steamed. Don't think he's quite lost it, Ziggles, but Dolph can only hold his chin and smirk as he knows he got the better of Jericho there. I know where they're going with this, and if there's anyone who can put Ziggler firmly in the main event spotlight, it's Jericho.

So we find out that Christian, out of him, Santino and Layla, will be defending his IC Title on the 1000th Raw. Depending on the opponent, should be interesting or a complete wipe.

Brodus Clay v. JTG

Seriously, JTG still has a job? Heh, guess the "spring cleaning" wasn't all that far-reaching. Anyway, JTG tries some token offense, going for Big Brodus' knee and seems to be gaining the edge on the Funkasaurus, but Brodus comes back with a big T-Bone suplex, headbutt, and splash for the 3 count.
Winner: Brodus Clay
Rating: * (Same Brodus Match, Same Brodus Squash, next)

CM Punk v. The Big Show

Show goes for the big KO shot right away, but Punk ducks away from it and feints from a few of Big Show's jabs before taking a big headbutt. Open hand chop to Punk in the corner, who counters with some rights, but is silenced by an uppercut. Show steps on Punk's back, then drags him to the apron for more chops, sending Punk out to the floor. Show attempts to drive Punk into the steel post, but Punk floats over and drives Show's head off the post. He coaxes Show back into the ring before laying in some stiff kicks, about 5 or 6, before Show stops him cold with another headbutt. This has been a really good match so far, and Punk is Big Show as a monster very well.

Show chokes in the corner and charges,but Punk puts up a boot and goes to the second rope for an axe handle, only to be caught and slammed one-handed by the giant! A hard fist to Punk's hurt ribs, but Punk struggles back and locks in a sleeper. He has Show wavering for a bit before the big man sidewalk slams him. Show goes up for a Vader Bomb, but misses! Punk rallies with clotheslines, which don't faze the giant, and Show back body drops him before going for the WMD, but misses and Punk waylays him with a high roundhouse kick, then 2 more before Show stumbles to the corner, where Punk nails with 1...2...3 high knee strikes, but the bulldog is simply shrugged off by Show, who goes for a corner splash, misses, and falls down. Punk sees his chance, goes for the Macho Elbow Drop, and nails it! 1...2...Thr-KICKOUT!

Punk seems desperate and goes for a springboard, but gets caught and drilled with a chokeslam! Pin, 1...2...Punk gets his foot on the ropes, and Big Show is ticked! He backs Punk into a corner and keeps going after the bad ribs. The ref tries to warn Show, but gets knocked down for his troubles and calls for the DQ.
Winner: CM Punk via DQ
Rating: ***1/4 (Awesome TV Main Event; I wondered last night if a motivated Big Show would make a good opponent for Punk, and I was right. He was a major threat, and Punk sold it like he was that and more. DQ makes sense given what happens next...)

Show cocks his fist for the WMD, but Cena's music hits, and the MITB winner hits the ring, only for Show to leave it, like he said he'd do and let Cena "pick the bones." He even gets on the mic and insists that Cena take the chance only a fool would give up. Um, Show, are you new here? Cena's the PEOPLE'S FOOL, ya fool! Cena tells him as much, letting Punk know that he has a week to rest up, because Cena's cashing in at the 1000 episode of RAW! Cena's "big" announcement, then, concerning the MITB smacking Show upside the head with it. Eh, alright. A familiar sight and staredown between Punk and Cena as we close out the show.

Overall Rating: *** (Surprising, but I smell a screwy finish to set Punk and Cena up for SummerSlam...or possibly three if we haven't seen the last of Daniel Bryan and his bride-to-be. Rest of the show was so-so, with the exception of Ziggler's phenomenal promo with Jericho, Rikishi's return, and a surprisingly competitive and physically entertaining main event. Pretty nice lead-in to the 1000th Raw.)


Sunday, July 15, 2012

2012 WWE Money In The Bank Review

For me, the Money In The Bank PPV has ended up looking like this:  An unexpected victory, an expected, but surprisingly welcome return, two unexpected matches, two physically brutal championship brawls...and a unexpected victory I didn't like and looked like a lot of the crowd didn't want either.

WWE Tag Team Championship (Pre-show):
Kofi Kingston & R-Truth (c) v. Hunico & Camacho 
It was pretty much what I expected: A nice, little energetic match to get the crowd pumped for the PPV, so you know the champs were going to get the win, whether or not the titles were on the line. Nice quickness and surprising power spots by Hunico & Camacho, but the victory for "Boom Truth" was never really in doubt.
Winner(s): Kingston & Truth via pinfall, What's Up (8:24)
Rating: **

World Heavyweight Championship MITB Ladder Match:
Christian v. Santino v. Damien Sandow v. Sin Cara v. Tyson Kidd v. Tensai v. Dolph Ziggler v. Cody Rhodes
Well, two predictions for me didn't come true in this match: My guy to pick didn't win, and Sin Cara didn't go through another ladder. I have to be a stickler for detail, so 0-and-2 for me.

Anyway, it's safe to say this was really the only match that could start the PPV and keep the energy rolling from Boom Truth's pre-show tag team match. It was entertainingly high-risk, but there were also a few botches as well, including a particularly dangerous one where Sin Cara botched a top-rope C4 (Backflip Ura-nage Slam) and nearly drove Ziggler's head and neck into the mat. Scary moment there. Tensai looked dominant for some of the match, but the ladder gimmick doesn't really do a whole lot to hide his plodding offense, not to mention nearly drilling Santino the hard way with a powerbomb off the ladder.  Santino himself was fine for what he was; his offense was kept to a minimum and only brought out the Cobra for a short while. I did like the (probably) unintentional call back to William Regal and his fear of climbing the ladder when Santino couldn't either.

Christian is a stalwart and cornerstone of ladder matches and it really showed here, even busting out the Spear for a tribute to Edge from Wrestlemania X7, tackling Cody off the top of a ladder. Cody himself put in a remarkable performance as well, but Tyson Kidd shined even brighter, pulling off the spot of the night with a ladder-assisted, springboard sunset flip powerbomb off ANOTHER ladder. That was unbelievable.

At the end of the day, though, Dolph Ziggler takes the win and the briefcase. Although I'm surprised they're pushing him despite his current record against Sheamus, I'm intrigued to see how they plan to have Zig-Zag utilize the MITB brief case
Winner: Dolph Ziggler
Rating: ***

Miz's Return: I just like how they did his return and made it seem important that he'd been gone for two months. He comes out, even gets a small "Miz Is Awesome!" chant, is straight with the audience about where he's been, how he's been overlooked since Laurinaitis's reign (implied, but not said), and plans to do something about it for once by entering the Raw MITB and returning to his former glory as the WWE Champion. Short, simple, and to the point.

World Heavyweight Championship Match: 
Sheamus (c) v. Alberto Del Rio
First of all, it was a fine match, technically sound on either man's side, Alberto attacked the arm like we expected, and Sheamus fought through it and Ricardo to the best of his ability. It was a good, sound title match. 

My problem was this: The match and the championship never really seemed in doubt for Sheamus. Whatever fire, piss & vinegar Del Rio had going into the match seemingly went away for the most part as he wasn't as relentless going for and attacking the arm as I would've liked and didn't utilize Ricardo as much as I thought he would've. Whatever damage he'd done to Sheamus, attacking on the Raw metal stage and slamming a car hood into him, didn't really seem all that evident as Sheamus more or less shrugged off the damage to his arm and body except for a few minor cases where it affected his ability to hit substantial moves. Then all of a sudden, White Noise, Brogue Kick, boom, 1-2-3. Like I said, it wasn't a bad match, but something I would expect to find on SmackDown rather than a PPV. Heck, if WWE had traded this with the match Sheamus had with Jericho last Friday, I probably wouldn't have minded.
Winner: Sheamus via pinfall, Brogue Kick (14:27)
Rating: **3/4

Primo & Epico w/Rosa Mendes vs. The Primetime Players w/AW
A nice bonus match with some continuity from the past couple of weeks on Raw and Superstars, with Epico and Primo both picking up singles wins against Titus and Young. What I can do without, though, is AW's constant commentary. I get it, he's supposed to be a brash, cocky promoter backing big-money stars, but his voice just about killed any buzz the crowd had left over from the last two matches (which is only a step up from his days as a "talk show host", the crowd was dead for that and stayed dead). 

A surprisingly crisp match on the Colon's end, giving them a chance to show off some of their high-flying moves and give AW an idea on what he missed out on. The win for Primo & Epico surprises me, but in a good way, as they're a solid tag team that, if inserted into the tag title feud, can help cover up some of the green that Titus and Young have yet to shake off as a tag team.
Winner(s): Primo & Epico via pinfall, Roll-up (7:31)
Rating: **1/4

No DQ Match for the WWE Championship:
CM Punk (c) v. Daniel Bryan
(AJ as Special Referee)
I'm a little disappointed this didn't go on last, but considering the results of the Raw MITB match, I can understand the logical fallacy of the winner cashing in on the weakened winner of this match. I say that because it was just BRUTAL.

Punk and Bryan would start off, trading some nice, stiff blows, kicks, and strikes, taking to the outside and back in, where AJ would take a bump off the ropes and onto the floor, which I thought was a good idea, giving Bryan and Punk the chance to really let themselves loose on each other without AJ in the back of their minds. Steel steps, barricades, using a fan's chair for a clotheslines off the barricade, these two found so many different ways just to beat each other down. The kendo stick shots were especially sick, including the multiple ones Bryan delivered to Punk, ala his 24-chairshot salute to Kane on SmackDown. Not to mention how well these two know each other with the reversals, especially Bryan whipping out a hurricanrana to block the GTS, something I honestly didn't expect from him!

I even liked it once AJ returned and even helped with the brutality, laying a chair in the middle of the ring like, "I'm not your woman or his, get your own damn weapon!" She would even get in the way of both when when even she thought they were going too far with the brutality. You could also tell where Punk's and Bryan's mindsets were: Punk would seem more resigned when AJ didn't count a three, and Bryan was more ticked off when AJ wouldn't count a three. That was a little something that I liked. The cane-assisted Yes! Lock and Super Back Suplex through the table were awesome spots too, and another painfully hard-fought victory for Punk and my Match of the Night.
Winner: CM Punk via pinfall, Top Rope Back Superplex through a table (27:53)
Rating: ****1/4

Two-on-One Handicap Match:
Ryback v. Hawkins & Reks
Another minor, unannounced match with some actual continuity from Raw and a nice break from the WWE Title match. Typical plot: Neither member of a team can take down the new monster wrestler solo, so they get the "bright" idea to team up and take him down. Typical result: Slightly longer match, but same level of Ryback ass-whoop. Seriously, feed him more.
Winner: Ryback via pinfall, Shell Shocked (4:20)
Rating: *1/2

6-Diva Tag Team Match:
Layla, Kaitlyn, and Tamina Snuka v. Beth Phoenix, Natalya, and Eve 
A surprisingly entertaining Divas bout with some quick, crisp offense between Layla, Beth, Natalya, and Tamina, with Eve and Kaitlyn picking up the catfight slack. Liked the little ending sequence as well, with Tamina's superkick leading into the Lay-Out for the three count on Beth. Might be something to the idea of Divas tag teams if they keep this up and sign more female wrestlers like Sara Del Rey...
Winner(s): Layla, Kaitlyn, and Tamina via pinfall, Lay-Out Neckbreaker (3:02)
Rating: *3/4

WWE Championship MITB Ladder Match:
Big Show v. John Cena v. Chris Jericho v. Kane v. The Miz
As you remember earlier in the night, Miz interjected himself into this match as a former WWE Champion. You figured he would've made more of a difference with the bravado he displayed earlier, but he ended more of a bit player, which I suppose is understandable as well given his sudden insertion into the match. Taking out Big Show at the beginning was the logical, sensible thing to do, and I always did enjoy a feat of strength from Cena, no exception here as he AA'd Show through an announce table and, along with the other competitors who'd been assaulted by Show, buried him in a cacophony of steel ladders, an amusingly brutal spot.

It was a better match than I'd given any of the men credit for. There were some nice spots, especially Kane getting double-suplexed on the ladder, then Cena dropping him on Miz and the ladder with an AA. There were moments where I thought Jericho or Big Show were going to take the briefcase, and my favorite funny moment is when Show recovers, climbs up the huge industrial ladder he set up, only to find Jericho, who has the biggest "Oh Crap!" look as he's frozen reaching for the briefcase. One WMD later, Jericho drops off the ladder like Wile E. Coyote off a cliff. Hilarious stuff.

At the end, it's Show and Cena vying for the case with everyone else knocked out, and Cena, using some savvy, not only blocks Show's WMD with the case, but waylays him with it, even breaking the latch and the case's handle in the process! Regardless, I felt like they went the safe route with Cena winning. I don't mind renewing the Punk-Cena rivalry for SummerSlam, but Jericho might've been a more interesting route to go with as far as what he would do with it and how long he'd wait.
Winner: John Cena (19:55)
Rating: ***3/4


WWE Money In The Bank 2012 Preview and Predictions

A Wrestlemania gimmick ladder match first introduced in 2005 by one "Don't call me Y2J" Chris Jericho, Money In The Bank has spanned 7 years, produced 10 winners, and resulted in 10 new champions. The briefcase is, as the saying goes, "as good as gold."

Tonight, the MITB pay-per-view takes an interesting twist; in the WWE Championship MITB match, we have 4 former champions in Kane, Jericho, Big Show, and John Cena vying for a shot at the case.

One of them will earn a guaranteed title match against either CM Punk or Daniel Bryan, both who seem just as immersed in the WWE Title as they are in AJ's tangled, crazy web of love. Will either man truly come out as champion, or are they both just two flies that have entered AJ's parlor?

Then we have the World Heavyweight Championship MITB, with only two former world champions, a cobra, a Hart-y competitor, a Far East beast, a masked luchador, a rookie with a veritable vernacular, and Cody Rhodes.

The winner will face either the pure Irish brute of a World Champion Sheamus or the man of wealth, class, and a renewed vigor and anger that has not been seen in some time, Alberto Del Rio.

 WWE.COM Pre-Show Match: WWE Tag Team Championship
Kofi Kingston & R-Truth (c) v. Hunico & Camacho

The Kingston-Truth team we can't seem to find a solid nickname for going up against the former Sin Cara Negro and his heavy Camacho. Putting aside the fact that the Prime Time Players's #1 contendership apparently doesn't mean they get the first shot, it should be an interesting bout as Hunico has shown remarkable progress in the ring as seen on WWE Superstars. However, O'Neil & Young are waiting in the wings, and this is more or less a match to get the crowd's engine running, so it's a no-brainer.
Winner: Kingston & Truth

 World Heavyweight Championship MITB Ladder Match
Tyson Kidd v. Christian v. Damien Sandow v. Santino v. Cody Rhodes v. Dolph Ziggler v. Tensai v. Sin Cara

Well, isn't this the eclectic bunch of Superstars: Two former world champions, two current mid-card champions, four men who've never been in MITB, and one man who'd rather try climbing a ladder than going through one again (We're looking at you, Sin Cara). Weeding out the non-winners isn't much of a problem here. 

Sandow's too fresh and new in the WWE that anyone would believe him to win MITB, let alone cash it in. Sin Cara's been fluctuating since returning from his "Wellness" vacay. Tensai's stock has all but plummeted since his loss to Cena earlier this year, and that's only been compounded by his recent loss to Tyson Kidd. 

Kidd himself is going all out to make an impact, but it may end up being a Shelton Benjamin-like impact: Flashy, spectacular and high-risk, but nothing to show for it at the end of the night. Christian is and can become immersed in the World Title picture with the snap of a finger, so he doesn't need it. While Santino would be a fun, interesting pick to win, it's also not all that believable.

That leaves Cody Rhodes, who got in on a second chance he wanted and got, and Dolph Ziggler, who's been getting more and more reactions (many positive) as he hangs around the World Title picture. Both have been clamoring to become World Champion this year and making great strides towards doing so. However, Ziggler's repeated losses to Sheamus  leave me doubtful he could capitalize, even with a cash-in, so...
Winner: Cody Rhodes

World Heavyweight Title Match
Sheamus (c) v. Alberto Del Rio
So Del Rio finally has the title shot he forfeited at "Over The Limit", and he's gone to great lengths to show that it's not to going be a cakewalk as some fans may assume it will be for the "Brogue Kick Hooligan" of a World Champion. 
Slamming a car hood on Sheamus' head, cranking his Cross-Arm Breaker as Sheamus hung off the metal stage; Del Rio has shown a vicious and brutal side we have not really seen since his feud with Rey Mysterio at the start of his WWE career. He has matched Sheamus's fiery temper with his own and looks to "fight fire with fire" to fulfill his original destiny of becoming a World Heavyweight Champion. 
However, we have seen that it takes a lot to keep Sheamus down, and all of Alberto's riches and fiery temperament may not be enough to quell the furious, flame-headed warrior.
Winner: Sheamus

WWE Championship MITB Ladder Match
Big Show v. Kane v. John Cena v. Chris Jericho

I'll admit, they made an interesting twist with this MITB match as it only features former WWE Champions; however, that's where the interesting points end. Kane's recently come of the AJ-Punk-Bryan debacle on the bottom of the proverbial totem pole and looks like even less of a threat than when he returned at the beginning of the year. While Jericho has indeed never won a briefcase in the match of his own creation, one possibility is him facing Punk, a feud that has run its course, and while he and Bryan would make for an interesting rivalry, I'd rather see them team up more.

So (sigh) it comes down to Big Show and Cena; John has promised to stop the renewed rampage of the giant and take the briefcase for himself, meaning a potential SummerSlam rematch with Punk or a feud with Bryan that harkens back to the now rarely-mentioned NXT Invasion to see who is truly the "better" man. Big Show's recent bout of unstoppable rage leads me to wonder, however, if a match between a more motivated Show and Punk might not be as bad an idea as it was the last time they faced off...


Considering that the match is open to any and all former WWE Champions, we may see an unexpected, unannounced name come in and snatch the briefcase. It could be someone with some West Coast Pop, the most recent of WWE's "The Few and The Proud", A Great One in his quest for WWE gold, or even...

 WWE Championship Match
CM Punk (c) v. Daniel Bryan
(AJ is the Special Referee)

This has been a very hot and cold feud; the matches Punk and Bryan have put on have been nothing short of spectacular, as can be expected from the two ROH graduates. The cute-as-a-button, but crazy-as-a-nut AJ has even perked my interest and had me intrigued to a certain point, as we have not seen a woman so deeply entrenched in a wrestling main event since the days of Awesome Kong and Gail Kim in TNA.

However, the focus has turned from AJ simply screwing with either man's mind as the Special Ref for the WWE Title match into a torrid affair for her demented affections. I feel she's become overexposed and I hate to say this, but I hope the Bryan-Punk feud resolves sooner than later so the mess with AJ can be sorted out.

That's not the only spanner in the works here; if my prediction comes to pass in the WWE Championship MITB match, it would not at all shock me to see Lesnar come out and capitalize on either man.
(No Cash-In) Winner: CM Punk
(Cash-In) Winner: Brock Lesnar